I got a long read data, I assembled it using CANU and looks like a good assembly. The number of contigs is 36 with an assembly size of 45mb (reference is around 42mb). N50 = 243820 number of # misassemblies = 2099 and Misassembled contigs length 44165538.
Now my question is how do I proceed to make it a chromosomal-level assembly?
Re: (1) - doesn't this depend on the species, as in, the size of the genome of interest? For instance, I can imagine a good N50 size is different between humans and yeast.
1) I will try other tools as well 2) the number of misassemblies was calculated using QUAST. the already published reference genome was also used as reference in quast 3) If I don't have Hi-C reads ? any other way of doing it ??
If that reference belongs to another specimen of your species, you cannot distinguish misassemblies from actual differences between the genomes.
Using only the long reads that you have, without additional methods (like Hi-C, optical mapping or better long reads), you won't be able to make a chromosome-level assembly.
Yes, it does. But N50 of 243,820 bp is still low even for a yeast genome, unless the assembly was made using short reads. The author used long reads.