I tried to install DMRcate (using the method recommended on the site) however, it did not install and then it said:
The original code I used is:
if (!require("BiocManager"))
The error I got is below:
1: package(s) not installed when version(s) same as or greater than current; use
force = TRUE
to re-install: 'DMRcate'
2: In install.packages(update[instlib == l, "Package"], l, repos = repos, :
installation of package ‘genefilter’ had non-zero exit status
I wanted to ask where exactly to put force = True as it doesn't seem to recognize the syntax when I put it in. I am sure it is a small issue but I do need to ask a someone who is not at all computer-savvy.
I cannot add the warning messages as they are too long.
This section seems relevant though:
make: *** [ttest.o] Error 1 ERROR: compilation failed for package ‘genefilter’
I seem to have issues using homebrew to deal with this could someone help please?
I cannot add all the error messages as they are too long.