Hello, I am tying to analyze the GSE104131 dataset from GEO. I have written all the scripts from downloading using fasterq-dump to counting reads using featureCounts. However, when I opened the SRA selector page of this dataset, I found per sample I have two SRR records.
fasterq-dump --outdir /data/fastq/ --split-files SRR6059552
fasterq-dump --outdir /data/fastq/ --split-files SRR6059553
After getting the fastq files using fastreq-dump, I have four fastq files. (SRR6059552_1, SRR6059552_2, SRR6059553_1, SRR6059553_2)
I couldnt find any information how should I deal with these four files in terms of thrimming or aligning (I know how to perform these steps when we have two files but with four fastq files all related to the same sample, I did not find how should I proceed)
Thanks @ATpoint. Which set of commands are correct in this case?
It's the second one.