My MrBayes analysis stopped due to timeout in HPC. I tried add append=yes in nex file to continue the rest analysis.
begin mrbayes;
mcmc nchains=16 ngen=10000000 append=yes stoprule=yes stopval=0.1;
But when I execute nex file, errors come.
Chain 16 -- -419920.472208 -- -1624.922043
Could not rename file inputfile.nex.run1.t
Error appending to previous run
Could not rename file inputfile.nex.run2.t
Error appending to previous run
And this is sbatch file.
# load mpirun.
module load openmpi-1.8/intel
mpirun -np 32 /scratch/bio/bin/mb inputfile.nex >inputfile.logs
How can I solve this problem?
Hello Mensur, Could you look at my case too? interruption issue but a different error. This is the second time I face and I rerun it. I have a pc and it is slow as I am not yet sure how to use gpu or mpi option to start over, I have wasted 20 days between two runs.