I'm trying to convert ensembl gene IDs to gene symbols. The ensembl gene IDs come from human reference file: Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa. I've tried using the BioMart tool from ensembl and the BioTools Converter (https://www.biotools.fr/human/ensembl_symbol_converter), but both tools still give me a lot of blank gene symbols (they don't convert from gene ID to gene symbol). Does anyone know of another gene ID converter that I can try that would give me the complete list of gene symbols for this human reference file?
Thank you!
This is a frequently asked question with multiple prior threads:
How to use biomart on R to convert Ensembl Gene IDs to Symbols?
Question: Convert Ensembl Transcript Ids Ensmust To Gene Symbol In R
converting mouse emsembl gene IDs to Gene names by bioMart and gconvert with no luck