I am working on a 18-patients dataset. I am trying to calculate DE genes with both EdgeR and DESeq2 for further analyses.
Its a 2-factor design (Status, Fraction). I want to calculate DE genes of different Fractions using the Status as covariate. After DE analysis, logFC are comparable between edgeR and DESeq2, but significant genes (FDR<0.05) are different. EdgeR identifies 500 genes, DESeq2 found 1500. Among those 500 DE genes found with edgeR are ALSO DE with DESeq2. This is a huge problem, since edgeR/DESeq2 are supposed to be superimposable. Any suggestion?
edgeR code:
y <- DGEList(counts=counts,group=Fraction)
keep <- rowSums(y$counts) >= 10
y$counts <- y$counts[keep,]
y <- calcNormFactors(y, method="TMM")
design <- model.matrix( ~ Status + Fraction)
y <- estimateDisp(y,design)
fit <- glmQLFit(y,design)
qlf <- glmQLFTest(fit,coef=3)
DESeq2 code:
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = counts,colData=summary,design= ~ Status + Fraction)
keep <- rowSums(counts(dds)) >= 10
dds <- dds[keep,]
dds <- DESeq(dds)
res <- results(dds)