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22 months ago
I am using codes pasted below to obtain Volcano plots, dot plots, feature plot etc for the single cell data analysis by using commands pasted below:
VlnPlot(Seurat_object, features = "X", group.by = "Names",split.by= "condition", slot="data")
DotPlot(Seurat_object, features ="X") + RotatedAxis()
RidgePlot(Seurat_object, features = "X", assay = "RNA", group.by = "condition",slot="data")
FeaturePlot(Seurat_object, features = "X", slot="data", split.by= "condition",label=TRUE)
I wanted to learn how to extract the input files Seurat uses to generate these figures?
Thank you
Just to be clear, you want to export the (input) data used for plots into actual files?
Yes, I just need the input data so that investigators can use tools other than R to visualize the data in form of viloin plots or feature plots or dot plots or box plots etc
Thank you jared.andrews07