I have a huge list of p-values ranging from E-05 to E-324. I want to use a toll (Cropper) but it requires decimal numbers as input. How can I transform scientific notations to decimals, all at once?
I have a huge list of p-values ranging from E-05 to E-324. I want to use a toll (Cropper) but it requires decimal numbers as input. How can I transform scientific notations to decimals, all at once?
I'd first question if your program really doesn't accept scientific notation, if so that creates problems for working with these values and you should consider using a properly implemented program. The following example shows what I mean: In principle, the following bash code does the conversion just fine:
while read -r line;
printf "%.325f\n" $line ; ## change format to %.308f as minimum sensible representation
done < testfile.txt
You need to decide for some sensible cutoff of precision, I am using 325 just to show the problem:
Input (your range):
Note: 1E-324 is effectively zero in this notation but maybe smaller than the smallest positive non-zero double precision value. On 64bit platforms that is 2e-308 **
Of course you could do some trickery by having variable precision floating point numbers, but you rather don't want that.
** checked with the c program:
#include <float.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("%.e\n", DBL_MIN);
Microsoft excel can be useful. You can import data into it and change the number format
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What is toll? What format are the numbers in (i.e. text file? excel? etc.)? What sort of tools are you familiar with? (i.e. linux, R, python, shell?)
I have txt file, and I work in both Linux and R. The tool for which I need a decimal format numbers is Cropper: https://genomics.ut.ee/en/tools