Hi everyone. I'm trying to do the tutorial for hmmer but I seem to be having an issue for hmmcalibrate. I tried to use:
hmmcalibrate globin.hmm
But it says:
Command 'hmmcalibrate' not found, did you mean:
command 'hmm2calibrate' from deb hmmer2 (2.3.2+dfsg-6)
Try: sudo apt install <deb name>>
I already have hmmer 3.3.2 installed so I used hmm2calibrate instead and now this is what it says:
hmm2calibrate globin.hmm
FATAL: failed to open HMM file globin.hmm for reading.
Is there and issue with hmmcalibrate or with my file that I'm missing?
P.S. The globin.hmm file is a profile that I built using the globins4.sto file from the tutorial and hmmbuild.
If that's the case then I'll just proceed then. Thank you!