I have normalized count matrix which have negative values too but no raw count matrix. I would like to find deferentially expressed genes. I am using Deseq2. I am executing the following commands and error below: count_data <- as.matrix(read.csv(file='matrix.csv', header=TRUE, sep=';', row.names = 1)) info <- as.matrix(read.csv(file='sample.csv', header=TRUE, sep=';', row.names = 1)) ddg <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(count_data, info, ~condition)
Error in DESeqDataSet(se, design = design, ignoreRank) : some values in assay are negative
Other things I checked: any(count_data < 0 ) True
I need help to resolve this issue. As I did earlier was performed on raw count matrix. Now I took this count matrix from online expression matrix from database.
May you guide me for recount package?
Whst is unclear after reading the documentation?