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21 months ago
I am trying to understand what are the odds of a SNP being in intergenic, intronic, exonic, UTr3 or UTR5 regions. My data looks similar to this:
ID chrom pos ref alt homozygosity heterozygosity sampleMaf refSeq.siteType homo_ref het homo_alt total.samples
snp1 chr4 123786114 A G 0.0297 0.264 0.162 intronic 190 71 8 269
snp2 chr6 4014962 G A 0.00743 0.149 0.0818 intergenic 227 40 2 269
snp3 chr4 6308762 T C 0.0186 0.23 0.134 UTR3 202 62 5 269
snp4 chr4 98918764 C T 0.138 0.435 0.355 exonic 115 117 37 269
I have the above information and I am not sure how to proceed.