There are numerous online resources summarising the omics data and providing quick check on the association test between the omics and the phenotype (such as TCGA survival data and the gene expression found here).
My question is if I would like to use some of these data to supplement my current research question on one particular gene, (while I am also not 100% sure if the provided p-values have been adjusted for multiple comparisons), do I need to adjust these p-values? Or should I choose a more conservative cutoff (e.g. 2.5e-6 for RNAseq data)?
I am testing only one gene (with the hypothesis for that one gene only), is it valid to use the crude p-value? Would be nice if you can also point me to some reference articles supporting the claims. I have found a hard time in the search for such an article as the returned results are flooded with explanations of controlling the type 1 error in the scenario that is doing "exploratory" analysis blasting many genes.
I agree with you. Maybe the best way is to validate the result with some independent experiments. I am confused because there would have some contradictory "claims" on gene significance when comparing the exploratory analysis and hypothesis-driven analysis.