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21 months ago
Any suggestions for a good script for fixing the headers for FASTQ files coming out of MGI Sequencers?
Any suggestions for a good script for fixing the headers for FASTQ files coming out of MGI Sequencers?
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Curious as to why they need "fixing"? Can you show examples of what needs to be fixed.
Can I use them directly for alignment after QC, and recommendations for Alignment scripts that take these FASTQ files, I'm just very new to their analysis? I used to QC FastQ from Illumina and use for Botwei alignment for example, and I'm not sure if I may need to fix headers for MGI FASTQ files .. can you offer me an advice?
If you were able to use FastQC and bowtie for alignment then no "fixing" should be needed for MGI headers. Since MGI seq is not common in US show us examples of what the headers look like.