Hi, all -
Two questions about using LiftOver:
- The .bed file changes after using LiftOver. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I can just use the .bim and .fam file from before LiftOver as those do not change?
I have used LiftOver to migrate the POPRES dataset from hg18 to hg38. Initially, I received an error saying I needed three fields for liftOver to work. To put my .bed file into UCSC format, I ran the following awk script:
grep -v '^#' POPRES_Genotypes_QC2_v2_VCF.vcf | awk -F '\t' '{print $1,$2,$2,$3}' > output1.ucsc.bed
When I run LiftOver aftwards, though, all my files go into the unlifted pile, and none are actually lifted. What could be the issue?