I ran bedtools multicov for 5 bam files. The output file is corrupted after a certain set of time i.e, from chr13 to chrM the output generated as below :
tail multicov.txt output - error
6500 chrX 140406100 140406600 chrX 140406200 140406700 chrX 140406300 140406800 chrX 140406400 140406900 chrX 140406500 140407000 chrX 140406600 140407100 chrX 140406700 140407200 chrX 140406800 140407300 chrX 140406900 140407400 chrX 140407000 140407500 chrX140407100 140407600 chrX 140407200 140407700 chrX 140407300 140407800 chrX 140407400 140407900 chrX 140407500 140408000 chrX 140407600 140408100 chrX 140407700 140408200 chrX 140407800 140408300 chrX 140407900 140408400 chrX 140408000
head multicov.txt output :
chr1 0 500 0 0 0 0 0
chr1 100 600 0 0 0 0 0
chr1 200 700 0 0 0 0 0
chr1 300 800 0 0 0 0 0
chr1 400 900 0 0 0 0 0
but the output is good for first 13 chromosomes. can anyone identify what could be the error possibly.
Could you edit your question to add the output ?
added the output.
samtools quickcheck
on your bamssamtools quickcheck *bam && echo 'all ok' \ || echo 'fail!'
all ok