Hello all,
I have a single cell dataset and based on reference dataset I expect about 40 clusters. I did try to use a cluster evaluation tools (scclusteval) and the combination of parameter it recommends which gives optimum number of stable clusters results in less than 30 clusters. Now, my questions. are
How much it is necessary to do the cluster evaluation? it really takes my time as it's a bootstrapping method. should I be worried if I don't do it I cannot trust my result?
Second, as it does not result in 40 clusters as a reference dataset I need to do subclustering which is another step. I am wondering which one do you recommend more? to do reclustering or not using the tool and increase the resolution to get the number of clusters I'm looking for?
Thank you for your help in advance!
Thanks for your comment. The number of cell type I'm expecting are 18 major ones and the clustering cover this; for some of them I have subtypes all clustered, for some others not, and for some major cell type while for example I expect 5 subpopulations it gives 2 or 3 which confuse me what should I do. subpopulations are more than 40s. When I do clustering without using stability tools and increase the resolution it results in many subpopulation of oligodendrocyte that are not what I want or expected. What do you recommend in this situation? should I do subset and sub cluster?
I also used scDblFinder and excluded about 15k of my cells
Many thanks, Paria