I'm trying to identify a disease cohort from TCGA, with the highest median co-expression of a certain drug. I'm using FireBrowser (http://firebrowse.org/) and the associated R package (https://rdrr.io/github/mariodeng/FirebrowseR/)
At first glance, the most appropriate command within the R package is Samples.mRNASeq
but this command seems to do the opposite of what I need. Indeed, the website seems set up to work backwards from the way that I need, where the cohort is chosen first.
http://firebrowse.org/tutorial/FireBrowse-Tutorial.pdf doesn't seem to offer what I need.
None of the commands on https://rdrr.io/github/mariodeng/FirebrowseR/man/ are very helpful either.
TCGA seems to have ended in 2016, so I don't think that I'm going to get help from them.
thanks for your guidance