I'm going to do DEG analysis with tmp data that has already been normalized.
I want to use a total of four tools; DESeq2, edgeR, Ballgown, Limma.
But I already knew the raw count data can only be used in DESeq2 and edgeR. And Limma can use tpm data(limma-trend method). Also Ballgown can use fpkm data unless using tablemaker or Stringtie.
Is this the correct content?
Thanks for your answer! :)
Additionaly, I have a one question more... I found a 'ballgownrsem: load RSEM data into a ballgown object' in R package. Do you know it??
If I use it, input data can be rsem normalized data? (not using tablemaker or stringtie)
I'm sorry about a little bit weird my question...
rsem does not normalize data, it's another approach to get raw counts/abundances. I do not know the function. ballgown is still a transcript not gene level tool.