Hi everyone,
I would like to colour a specific population of genes in a volcano plot using enhanced volcano function. The thing is they are crowded in the rest of the non-significant genes. Would like to overlay them to be visible.
Here is the code used
keyvals.colour <- ifelse(
res_table_tb_sex$ygenes == FALSE, 'grey',
ifelse(res_table_tb_sex$ygenes == TRUE, 'red', 'grey'))
keyvals.colour[is.na(keyvals.colour)] <- 'grey'
names(keyvals.colour)[keyvals.colour == 'red'] <- 'Y chrom genes'
names(keyvals.colour)[keyvals.colour == 'grey'] <- 'non Y chrom genes'
lab = rownames (res_table_tb_sex),
x = 'log2FoldChange',
y = 'padj',
selectLab = as.character(res_table_tb_sex$genelabels),
xlab = bquote(~Log[2]~ 'fold change'),
title = 'Mearly vs Mrapid - Brain',
pCutoff = 0.05,
FCcutoff = 1.5,
pointSize = 3.0,
labSize = 6.0,
labCol = 'black',
labFace = 'bold',
boxedLabels = TRUE,
colCustom = keyvals.colour,
colAlpha = 1, #transparency of the point
'padj & Log2FC'),
legendPosition = 'right',
legendLabSize = 14,
legendIconSize = 5.0,
drawConnectors = TRUE,
widthConnectors = 1.0,
colConnectors = 'black')
Here is the graph obtained. I you see, we can barely see the red dots. I would like that to be on top of the grey ones.
Can anyone help me please?
make the point color semi-transparent by setting
colAlpha = 0.5
where the smaller the alpha number the greater the transparency of the colorIt is not looking better unfortunately
Cross-posted on bioC support: https://support.bioconductor.org/p/9149886/ after I pointed OP to Kevin's post asking folks to open support threads there.