I need to make a paired wise differential expression test for a metadata like below:
colData<- DataFrame(row.names = c("1",
DataFrame with 6 rows and 2 columns
Patient condition
<character> <character>
1 b1 ctr
2 c1 ctr
3 d1 ctr
4 b1 tre
5 c1 tre
6 d1 tre
I have two conditions and three patients and I need to do this test paired wise betweent each patient.
I first tried to use deseq2 using this command:
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = cstm,
colData = colData,design = ~ condition
But the outcome had weird result meaning some downregulated genes based on their counts had highly upregulated logfoldchanges.
Then I tried to use edger but keep getting errors:
design = model.matrix(~ 0+Patient + condition, data = meta)
# After the design, create a contrast of the pairs u want to compare.
contr.matrix <- makeContrasts(
pb1vsc1 = Patientb1- Patientc1,
pd1vsc1 = Patientd1- Patientc1,
pb1vsd1 = Patientb1- Patientd1,
levels = colnames(design))
y <- DGEList(counts = cstm)
# Dispersion
y <- estimateDisp(y, design)
# Fit
fit <- glmQLFit(y, design)
# contrast fit
vfit <- contrasts.fit(fit, contrasts=contr.matrix)
# Empirical Bayes Statistics for Differential Expression
efit <- eBayes(vfit)
# summary
# log fc cutoff
tfit <- treat(vfit, lfc=1)
dt <- decideTests(tfit)
Error in contrasts.fit(fit, contrasts = contr.matrix) :
fit must contain stdev.unscaled component
Any idea how to proceed this?