Hi guys,
Here's an RNAseq-related question. I have RF library, I made de novo transcriptome assembly in Trinity with basic parameters and a library flag set to RF. I ran Salmon and got a Mapping rate = 92.5671%. I wanted to check json file and what confused me was the "strand_mapping_bias": 0.0,. Is that ok? I expected it to be 1,0 since I have a stranded library and transcriptome assembly, but this is just my logic.
"expected_format": "ISR",
"compatible_fragment_ratio": 1.0,
"num_compatible_fragments": 207752880,
"num_assigned_fragments": 207752880,
"num_frags_with_concordant_consistent_mappings": 196914626,
"num_frags_with_inconsistent_or_orphan_mappings": 11528807,
"strand_mapping_bias": 0.0,
"MSF": 0,
"OSF": 0,
"ISF": 0,
"MSR": 0,
"OSR": 0,
"ISR": 196914626,
"SF": 6134642,
"SR": 5394165,
"MU": 0,
"OU": 0,
"IU": 0,
"U": 0
Hi Rob,
thank you so much for answering my question! :) Now it's so much clearer to me.
I hope you don't mind if I ask a follow-up question. Can I use Salmon to somehow test if the library itself was successfully made stranded because I have some doubts? I will use the same example as in my previous question (RF-made library and de novo assembly). I was curious to see what happens if I play with the library flag in Salmon so I put IU and I got 96% mapping rate, but strand_mappng bias was 0,2. Does it mean that my library is not completely stranded?