I saw these figures in a paper and wanted to make a similar graphs. Is there a function to do this kind of line graph in R that you would recommend?
I have a list of genes and would need to run go term enrichment on them, then obtain some p-values so that they can be represented as circle size on the graph.
Your input is appreciated, thank you.
Speaking generically since you didn't provide example data, you would minimally start off with a 3 column data frame
with columnsfold_change
, and what I assume isday
.Your call to ggplot would then look something like.
Adding additional lines and such would require dataset specific modifications to the input data or ggplot call, but I won't cover those since example data and desired output wasn't provided.
I explained in this 👉 post. Please refer.
Apparently, you can also use this online tool -> https://cparsania.shinyapps.io/FungiExpresZ/ to generate such plot with few clicks