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23 months ago
I am really confused with DESeq2. I only have normal and virus samples. I would like to see upregulated genes in virus samples
dds <-DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = round(count_matrix), colData = col_matrix,
design = ~treatment )
I set my reference level by
Then I set the constrast after I run the deseq2
contrast1 <- c('treatment',"normal" ,"virus")
I would like to get results for log2foldchange.
comparison_df <-results(dds, contrast = contrast1, alpha = 0.1)
Here, I get the genes I am interested as -log2foldchange values. What I know is they were supposed to be positive.
Could you help me to understand what I am doing wrong? Thank you.
Yes. When you specify the contrast, it doesn't matter what you set as the reference with relevel.