I have recently annotated a genome using mikado. However, the resultant gff file contains loci that are overlapping but not annotated as isoforms: i.e.
chr17 Mikado_loci ncRNA_gene 1014098 1014976 17 - . ID=Fly1;Name=Fly1;multiexonic=True;superlocus=Mikado_superlocus:chr17-:1014059-1015028
chr17 Mikado_loci ncRNA 1014098 1014976 17 - . ID=Fly1.1;Parent=Fly1;Name=all_MSTRG.6472.4;alias=all_MSTRG.6472.4;canonical_junctions=1,2,3;canonical_number=3;canonical_proportion=1.0;p$
chr17 Mikado_loci exon 1014098 1014296 . - . ID=Fly1.1.exon1;Parent=Fly1.1
chr17 Mikado_loci exon 1014343 1014675 . - . ID=Fly1.1.exon2;Parent=Fly1.1
chr17 Mikado_loci exon 1014720 1014871 . - . ID=Fly1.1.exon3;Parent=Fly1.1
chr17 Mikado_loci exon 1014919 1014976 . - . ID=Fly1.1.exon4;Parent=Fly1.1
chr17 Mikado_loci ncRNA_gene 1014165 1015048 17 + . ID=Fly2;Name=Fly2;multiexonic=True;superlocus=Mikado_superlocus:chr17+:1014165-1015048
chr17 Mikado_loci ncRNA 1014165 1015048 17 + . ID=Fly2.1;Parent=Fly2;Name=aaa_MSTRG.5952.1;alias=aaa_MSTRG.5952.1;canonical_number=0;canonical_on_reverse_strand=True;canonical_proportio$
chr17 Mikado_loci exon 1014165 1014296 . + . ID=Fly2.1.exon1;Parent=Fly2.1
chr17 Mikado_loci exon 1014343 1015048 . + . ID=Fly2.1.exon2;Parent=Fly2.1
You see that they are both nested, but annotated apart. How can I resolve this, keeping only the longest transcript? If I keep both, this will play with my protein predictions - giving me a result of two proteins instead of 1.
Expected output would help better understand the issue