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20 months ago
Dears, I have a source code that produces several plots and csv files. Outside the shiny application this function is worked, but once used inside the shiny application, it produces just one plot, not all plots.
Could you guide me to identify the problem and how to handle it?
Here is a part of the code:
output$PCA_plots <- renderPlot({
req(input$Begin) #begin in the label of an action button
PCA_plot = first_container(Count_data(), meta_data()) # first container is the function that takes 2 files counts data and metadata and produces plots and tables, PCA_plot is a list of groups of plots
HTML(paste(p_list),width = 3, height = 3)
There's nowhere near enough information/code here for us to know why only one of your many plots aren't showing up. Can you provide a reproducible example?