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21 months ago
The Biocomputing group of CRIStAL research laboratory and Lille University in the North of France, is seeking candidates on the following subjects:
- Modeling the regulation of glucose absorption in intestinal cells https://sujets-these.cristal.univ-lille.fr/details.html?id=fd1bbfd898bd4734bed719c77e4acc0f
- QuantPred: Quantitative Change Prediction for Reaction Networks https://sujets-these.cristal.univ-lille.fr/details.html?id=3f208b6cad034d1da004ea8767c0ab23
- Automatic learning of interaction networks in marine planctonicecosystems https://sujets-these.cristal.univ-lille.fr/details.html?id=4283959e3e62425ca8cceb3250f2b63e
A detailed description of these subjects is available by following the links. The candidates will need advanced skills in computer science and formal methods (certified by their education) and a strong interest in interdisciplinarity. The starting date will be October 2023.
Before applying, please first contact by email the people mentoring the subject. The application procedure is available here.
The deadline for application is 2nd of May.