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22 months ago
I have a fasta file similar to this
@SRR17050039.1 NB501465:544:HF2H7BGXB:1:22104:14442:1233_TCCTGAGC_barcode=NA-EEEE-AAAAAEE-EEEEEEEE-GCTG-TGCCAGA-ACGTTCAT-W202012/1
@SRR17050039.2 NB501465:544:HF2H7BGXB:1:22104:12136:1233_TCCTGAGC_barcode=NA-EEEE-AAAAAEE-EEEEEEEE-GCTG-GACACCT-ATTGTTTG-W202303/1
I need to set a parameters for STAR solo alignment. I am really confused to find about the position of barcode + UMI in the fasta sequence. I need to set parameters similar to this for paired end.
--soloBarcodeMate 1 --clip5pNbases 39 0
--soloType CB_UMI_Simple --soloCBstart 1 --soloCBlen 16 --soloUMIstart 17 --soloUMIlen 10
--readFilesIn read1.fq
Could you help me? Thank you.
This is not a fasta file It is a fastq format file.
Are you sure this is single cell RNAseq data? Looking at the SRA accession this appears to be a single 37 bp read. This does not seem to align with standard 10x like read lengths.
it's single cell mars-seq. Yes sorry its a fastq file.