Hi I used to go over candidate sites of variation using SAMtools mpileup after which I used to execute some evaluations of the data using BCFtools. In general I used to provide the reference fasta genome and use the options -u
and -v
to generate the output in VCF format for post analysis.
Therefore, I used to execute something like this:
samtools mpileup -v -u -f /temp/data-u_0.v7.fas /temp/data-alignBAM-sorted.bam > /temp/wgs-data-alignBAM-sorted.mpileup.vcf
I updated my tools recently because I changed my computer, and when I executed the previously discussed, I received a reject of samtools of my execution(), I checked the samtool's man, and says that vcf from samtools is no longer generated, and theorically must be generated from bcftools, but, I can't find the way using the man documentation of bcftools to get a .vcf from a sorted .bam file.
- bcftools-1.17
- samtools-1.17
I would appreciate any help with this, thank you
Really the only needed, that help worked, thank's