Hello guys, Apricot has 8 chromosomes but I wanna get just 1 chromosome instead of others using Seqtk tool. Could you pls help me with this issue? Which code Can I use for it?
Hello guys, Apricot has 8 chromosomes but I wanna get just 1 chromosome instead of others using Seqtk tool. Could you pls help me with this issue? Which code Can I use for it?
use samtools faidx
instead, First index the genome
samtools faidx genome.fa
then extract the chromosome of interest
samtools faidx genome.fa chrom1 > subset.fa
Hello shelkmike, I tried the codes, it works but I run this code : samtools faidx Prunus_armeniaca_Stella.fasta >one_chromosome.fasta. I got two different files one them is Prunus_armeniaca_Stella.fasta.fai the other one is one_chromosome.fasta. But I have a problem with one_chromosome.fasta. It shows zero byte. Do I have any missing code?
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What assembly are you using? You should link to it if possible or provide the names of the fasta headers with
grep "^>" file.fasta