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20 months ago
Hi everobody !
I'm currently work on a HHV8 genetic study and I face to an issue with my bcftools command. Indeed, I want to generate consensus sequences thanks bcftools mpileup command and bam files. However, all ID get the ID of the reference sequence. You can see bellow the code used to do this job:
for patient in patients:
input_file = os.path.join("Queries_seq/bam_files", patient + ".bam")
output_file = os.path.join("Queries_seq/consensus/fastq", patient + ".fastq")
os.system(f"bcftools mpileup -f Ref_seq/HHV8_ref.fasta {input_file} | \
bcftools call -c | \
vcfutils.pl vcf2fq > {output_file}")
So, if I do the linux command bellow on a randomly chosen file, I get:
sed '1,1p' Queries_seq/consensus/fastq/1G_S15.fastq
This is the ID of my reference sequence. Can you help me to fix it ?
Best regards
Bcftools annotate has a function
https://samtools.github.io/bcftools/bcftools.html#annotate.You can pipe that after the bcftools call.
... bcftools call -c | bcftools annotate --rename-chrs myrenamefile.txt | ...