I have Ensamble transcipt ids, I am trying to match them to the gene names using following code;
sigs.df$symbol <- mapIds(org.Hs.eg.db, keys = rownames(sigs.df), keytype = "ENSEMBL", column = "SYMBOL")
but is is giving me following error;
Error in .testForValidKeys(x, keys, keytype, fks) :
None of the keys entered are valid keys for 'ENSEMBL'. Please use the keys method to see a listing of valid arguments.
"ENST00000234590" "ENST00000295688" "ENST00000319248" "ENST00000436427"
[5] "ENST00000458748" "ENST00000384384" "ENST00000524851" "ENST00000530019"
[9] "ENST00000532872" "ENST00000610851" "ENST00000618227" "ENST00000229239"
transcripts were in decimal but I removed the decimal point
They are not decimals. The
number is the transcript version.