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19 months ago
Hi, I want to ask how we can make the header name as per our choice in a haplotyping
script of gatk
because by default the header name of the output.vcf
file is mentioned as sample1
? here is the script
gatk --java-options "-Xmx32g" HaplotypeCaller --native-pair-hmm-threads 20 -R ~/path//PitayaGenomic.fa -I ${inputbam_files} -O ${output}.g.vcf -ERC GVCF
I don't understand.
the header name of what ?
what is sample1 ?
as you can see here the
is the header name (this is the output.vcf file after haplotypecalling). For example I want to change it to the name American-beauty. Like multiple files with their header name same as the file name(later) Why asking anyway ? Ram gave the answer yesterday: why CombineGCVFs in gatk not showing all the samples name?
I have changed the header name following the suggestion of Ram. But my concern now is to change the name before haplotypecalling.