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19 months ago
Hi all,
Would you have a suggestion for the error below? Thank you so much.
txdb <- makeTxDbFromGFF(opt$gtf)
Error in .detect_file_format(file) : Invalid 'file'. Must be a path to a file, or an URL, or a connection object, or a GFF3File or GTFFile object.
opt $cores [1] 1
$help [1] FALSE
I am trying to follow the codes here to annotate Grange object created from DiffBind but not sure if the input for the list function below correct:
option_list <- list(make_option(c("-d", "--design"), type="character", default=NULL, help="samplesheet_DiffBind.csv", metavar="path"),
make_option(c("-p", "--peaks"), type="character", default=NULL, help="peak files", metavar="string"),
make_option(c("-g", "--gtf"), type="character", default=NULL, help="Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.107.gtf", metavar="path"),
make_option(c("-b", "--blacklist"), type="character", default=NULL, help="hg38-blacklist.v2.bed", metavar="path"),
make_option(c("-s", "--species"), type="character", default=NULL, help="species", metavar="string"),
make_option(c("-c", "--cores"), type="integer", default=1, help="16", metavar="integer"))
with a path to your GTF file such as"/file/path/genome.gtf"
If you're processing this in the R interpreter instead of running this on the command line and providing those options as arguments to the script.I tried that before seeing your suggestion but I saw the infinity sign when running so not sure if that is correct. Thank you for your reply!
If it's a large gtf and/or compressed it might take a minute or two to load. I would give it some time and see if it completes.
Could I ask a follow up question about the output of