Unfortunately there is not enforced standard of what metadata must make into the SRA, it is very frustrating actually and makes reproducing any analysis needlessly complicated.
You can look at what EBI fields are there, and sometimes they produce more fields than SRA:
pip install bio
then look at the metadata that way:
bio search PRJNA253315 --all | more
prints things like:
"accession": "SAMN02870079",
"altitude": "",
"assembly_quality": "",
"assembly_software": "",
"base_count": "3049954530",
"binning_software": "",
"bio_material": "",
"broker_name": "",
"cell_line": "IMR90",
"cell_type": "",
"center_name": "GEO",
"checklist": "",
"collected_by": "",
"collection_date": "",
"collection_date_submitted": "",
"completeness_score": "",
"contamination_score": "",
"country": "",
"cram_index_aspera": "",
"cram_index_ftp": "",
"cram_index_galaxy": "",
"cultivar": "",
"culture_collection": "",
"depth": "",
"description": "Illumina HiSeq 2000 sequencing; GSM1418957: H3 ChIP (DMSO); Homo sapiens; ChIP-Seq",
"dev_stage": "",
"ecotype": "",
"elevation": "",
"environment_biome": "",
"environment_feature": "",
"environment_material": "",
"environmental_package": "",
"environmental_sample": "false",
"experiment_accession": "SRX620734",
"experiment_alias": "GSM1418957",
"experiment_title": "Illumina HiSeq 2000 sequencing; GSM1418957: H3 ChIP (DMSO); Homo sapiens; ChIP-Seq",
"experimental_factor": "",
"fastq_aspera": "fasp.sra.ebi.ac.uk:/vol1/fastq/SRR144/004/SRR1448774/SRR1448774.fastq.gz",
"fastq_bytes": "2838144326",
"fastq_galaxy": "ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/SRR144/004/SRR1448774/SRR1448774.fastq.gz",
"fastq_md5": "2ac617b0b8670c9d4a9bc15213f68c4f",
"first_created": "2015-06-05",
"first_public": "2015-06-05",
"germline": "false",
"host": "",
"host_body_site": "",
"host_genotype": "",
"host_gravidity": "",
"host_growth_conditions": "",
"host_phenotype": "",
"host_sex": "",
"host_status": "",
"host_tax_id": "",
"identified_by": "",
"instrument_model": "Illumina HiSeq 2000",
"instrument_platform": "ILLUMINA",
"investigation_type": "",
"isolate": "",
"isolation_source": "",
"last_updated": "2019-11-16",
"lat": "",
"library_construction_protocol": "For ChIP-seq, cells were crosslinked with formaldehyde (1% final) for 10min at room temperature, and harvested for sonication. Nuclei were extracted and chromatin was sheared to an average size of 200bp using a Diagenode Bioruptor. For RNA-seq, cells were harvested and PolyA+ RNA was isolated using the NEBNext Ultra RNA-seq Isolation Module. For ATAC-seq, cells were harvested, nuclei were prepped,and transposase was added for 30 minutes at 30C. Sequencing libraries for ChIP-seq were constructd using the NEBNext Ultra kit as per manufacturer's recommended instructions Sequencing libraries for ATAC-seq were constructed using custom Nextera-compatible primers, from Nextera-adapted DNA fragments",
"library_layout": "SINGLE",
"library_name": "",
"library_selection": "ChIP",
"library_source": "GENOMIC",
"library_strategy": "ChIP-Seq",
"location": "",
"lon": "",
"mating_type": "",
"nominal_length": "",
"nominal_sdev": "",
"parent_study": "PRJNA9558",
"ph": "",
"project_name": "",
"protocol_label": "",
"read_count": "59803030",
"run_accession": "SRR1448774",
"run_alias": "GSM1418957_r1",
"salinity": "",
"sample_accession": "SAMN02870079",
"sample_alias": "GSM1418957",
"sample_capture_status": "",
"sample_collection": "",
"sample_description": "H3 ChIP (DMSO)",
"sample_material": "",
"sample_title": "H3 ChIP (DMSO)",
"sampling_campaign": "",
"sampling_platform": "",
"sampling_site": "",
"scientific_name": "Homo sapiens",
"secondary_sample_accession": "SRS645140",
"secondary_study_accession": "SRP043510",
"sequencing_method": "",
"serotype": "",
"serovar": "",
"sex": "",
"specimen_voucher": "",
"sra_aspera": "fasp.sra.ebi.ac.uk:/vol1/srr/SRR144/004/SRR1448774",
"sra_bytes": "1994732885",
"sra_ftp": "ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/srr/SRR144/004/SRR1448774",
"sra_galaxy": "ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/srr/SRR144/004/SRR1448774",
"sra_md5": "e3920e0a35006ada4a8738af2c7bfcf7",
"strain": "",
"study_accession": "PRJNA253315",
"study_alias": "GSE58740",
"study_title": "Chromatin dynamics of p53 binding sites in IMR90",
"sub_species": "",
"sub_strain": "",
"submission_accession": "SRA172049",
"submission_tool": "",
"submitted_aspera": "",
"submitted_bytes": "",
"submitted_format": "",
"submitted_ftp": "",
"submitted_galaxy": "",
"submitted_host_sex": "",
"submitted_md5": "",
"submitted_sex": "",
"target_gene": "",
"tax_id": "9606",
"taxonomic_classification": "",
"taxonomic_identity_marker": "",
"temperature": "",
"tissue_lib": "",
"tissue_type": "",
"variety": "",
"fastq_url": [
"info": "3 GB file; 60 million reads; 3.0 billion sequenced bases"
it pretty nuts actually, look at all the fields not filled in, sometimes you can parse out various information from other fields.
No there does not seem to be. Information provided in SRA Run selector is not is not identical to one provided by EntrezDirect.