After performing differential expression analysis, I have a list of lncRNAs with their Ensembl IDs, since all of them are novel transcripts, in what ways they can be interpreted? I tried to find the protein coding targets corresponding to these lncRNAs, but since target-prediction databases (LncBase, starBase) require official gene symbol, I couldn't fine targets as well. Also, what other databases can be used for target-identification in this case?
Another approach I could think of is to map them in LncRNADisease v2.0 database to check for any prior disease evidences for these lncRNAs. Again no evidence could be searched due to lack of official gene symbol.
What are the other approaches that can be followed for deeper understanding of these novel lncRNA transcripts?
P.S: I don't want to discard these lncRNAs altogether, due to their high expression levels and significance in my dataset. Thanks in advance.