I am looking for a tool that I previously used frequently (2 or 3 years ago) upon NCBI. This tool would link out from gene view, to display the genomic region (with colour coded bars depending on COG function). Crucially similar genomic regions found in other species would be displayed (also colour coded COG function bars), thus allowing quick determination of which species that contain a similar catalytic module of 4 or 5 genes upon their genome. I found this invaluable as it cound help infer functional pathways, evolution etc
I cant seem to find this function anywhere, does anyone know if it has it been withdrawn ?
MultiGeneBlast (http://multigeneblast.sourceforge.net/) seems to have a similar(ish) functionality but I really need it to be an online tool.
Any ideas would be a great help
Many thanks, after emailing NCBI the function that I wanted was no longer present (but ProtMap is pretty close to what I wanted) Thankyou