I guess this really depends on what aflatoxin gene cluster you use as input, and probably on what you expect on the visualisation side.
In my (arguably biased) opinion, on an aflatoxin cluster like AB196490.1, antiSMASH finds and annotates the core PKS gene just fine (https://fungismash.secondarymetabolites.org/upload/fungi-5adc43a9-eecd-405e-9811-d3b3514400a3/index.html#r1c1).
Arguably, we miss a couple of the downstream tailoring enzymes due to their distance from the biosynthetic gene, but if you're running antiSMASH locally you could easily tweak that by increasing how many kbps up- and downstream of the core biosynthetic genes are being displayed using the --hmmdetection-fungal-neighbourhood-multiplier
We're also not predicting the structure well, but if you can point me at papers that show how you can predict how many times an iterative PKS iterates, I'd be happy to look at improving that part.
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Oh... I didn't even know this has been posted. I wasn't going to post it. Actually my problem was that NRRL 3357, which has complete aflatoxin gene cluster, had only half of the clusters as the antiSMASH results. But when I change Detection strictness from relaxed to loose mod, the result showed whole gene cluster. Anyway, sorry for making confusion.