Hello everyone, I have one HiC contact map file corresponding to a particular cells( brain frontal cortex). I want to looking at how many snps are located within 40kb distance from this gene and are interacting with it and include those selected snps in my study.
Like suppose: I select a gene : cry1: for this particular gene I want to look at distance 40kb from the gene length upstream and downstream and select snps that are interacting with this gene based on the contact map
I have a contact map in form of bed file(40kb) for hg38 for brain frontal cortex that looks like this:
rf1 rt1 rf2 rt2 inf
79359 99359 79359 99359 0
79359 99359 99359 139359 0
79359 99359 139359 219359 709.12853856921
79359 99359 179359 2e+05 668.390446056238
Its basically means that 79359-99359 is interacting with 139359 to 219359 region in hg38 and have interacting freq of 709.128
Is there any tool that can develop a interacting contact map like this: