Hi everyone!
I recently received whole exome sequencing samples that were sequenced on an MGI sequencing instrument, DNBSEQ-T7. I am interested in somatic variant-calling on the paired tumor-normal samples. As this isn't the canonical Illumina sequencer, an issue that I am concerned with is that the technical artefacts arising from the sequencer is not yet well characterised and this may lead to spurious artefacts in the variants.
I asked the company that did the sequencing for a panel of normals (PON) for the instrument to run Mutect2, but they simply replied that they use the standard GATK PON for their somatic variant calls.
How should I go about assessing whether the variants are "biased" in any way, as a result of the instrument's technical properties? Is there a way to quantify the magnitude of these technical errors from the VCF files?