I'm needing some help from the more experienced ones! n_n'
I'm doing a transcriptome expression comparison using DESeq2 and I would like to be sure I'm using the right parameters. This doubt came after seeing that a gene increased the expression between different sampling points but was not included in the DESeq2 output. Here are the expression values for this gene in EST values (7developmental stages, 3 replicates each):
Gene/DevStage S1_R1 S1_R2 S1_R3 S2_R1 S2_R2 S2_R3 S3_R1 S3_R2 S3_R3 S4_R1 S4_R2 S4_R3 S5_R1 S5_R2 S5_R3 S6_R1 S6_R2 S6_R3 S7_R1 S7_R2 S7_R3
BetaCatenin1 6875 11251 6937 6229 10730 6944 16075 18568 19081 20628 19490 20675 18251 19120 20971 18500 21838 12948 15971 23489 15423
First, can I consider this gene as being differentially expressed? If yes, how can I change my script to include similar cases in my output?
Thank you!!! :)
Here is the script I'm using (any other suggestions to fix/improve it are welcome!!! :D ):
table_MyOrganism<- read.table("ExpValues_MyOrganism.tsv", header=TRUE, sep ="\t", row.names = 1)
rd_matrix_MyOrganism <- round(table_MyOrganism)
dds_MyOrganism <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = rd_matrix_MyOrganism, colData = design_MyOrganism, design = ~ condition)
dds_normal_MyOrganism <- DESeq(dds_MyOrganism)
res_MyOrganism <- results(dds_normal_MyOrganism)
mcols(res_MyOrganism, use.names = TRUE)
rlog_MyOrganism <- rlog(dds_normal_MyOrganism, bS5nd = FALSE)
pca_MyOrganism <- plotPCA(rlog_MyOrganism, returnData = TRUE)
pca_MyOrganism_b <- plotPCA(rlog_MyOrganism)
dist_MyOrganism <- dist(t(assay(rlog_MyOrganism)))
dist_matrix_MyOrganism <- as.matrix(dist_HM_MyOrganism)
result_DGE_S1_S2 <- results(dds_normal_MyOrganism, contrast = c("condition", "S1", "S2"), alpha = 0.05, lfcThreshold = 1)
Then I repeat this step (5) comparing all the stages in a pair-wise manner.
up_reg01 <- as.data.frame(result_DGE_S1_S2)
up_reg01 <- up_reg01 %>% filter(padj <0.5 & log2FoldChange > 1)
write.csv(up_reg01, "/Users/vitoriatsantos/Documents/BioInfo/Poly_zor_genome/DESeq2/output_DESeq/MyOrganism_UP_S1_S2.csv", row.names = TRUE)
down_reg01 <- as.data.frame(result_DGE_S1_S2)
down_reg01 <- down_reg01 %>% filter(padj <0.5 & log2FoldChange < -1)
write.csv(down_reg01, "/Users/vitoriatsantos/Documents/BioInfo/Poly_zor_genome/DESeq2/output_DESeq/MyOrganism_DOWN_S1_S2.csv", row.names = TRUE)
I also repeat this step (6) for all the comparisons obtained in the previous step.