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21 months ago
I want to create a Venn plot with my data but this error occurred!
Error in prepare_venn_data(data, columns, show_elements,show_percentage,:logical columns in data.frame data or vector columns should be length between 2 and 4
> head(venn_cpg_region2)
cds downstream exon1 exons intron1 introns other promoter UTR3 UTR5
1 1_47963035 1_68276036 1_68276036 1_47963035 1_33831751 1_33831751 1_32347715 1_48132522 11_18394188 1_68276036
2 1_48088881 10_2648462 1_104414426 1_48088881 1_33831751 1_33831751 14_2527831 1_68276036 11_18394188 12_3142614
3 1_168677980 12_396767 1_168677980 1_68276036 1_34481401 1_33831751 15_7112579 1_70154145 12_3134049 2_120841166
4 10_2627156 14_12686663 12_3142614 1_104414426 1_48132522 1_33831751 17_10524429 1_70154145 13_9959153 20_13434035
5 10_2627156 14_12686663 14_3960061 1_168677980 1_68276036 1_33831751 19_7740157 1_104414426 13_9959153 26_663159
6 10_2627156 15_7007155 17_11003840 10_2627156 1_68276036 1_34188568 2_5702062 1_104414426 16_2178551 26_663159
What are the columns you are trying to intersect?
Thanks, this is a example of my data. i want to find number of features that overlap or not overlap with the column names, with the venn plot
Do you mean the overlap between the elements of 10 columns? There is no venn diagram that can plot 10 subsets intersection as far as I know. Just think of how such a plot would look like, even venn diagrams with 5 subsets are quite tricky to interpret.
I want to know how many of features are common between column names and how many are not overlap. for example, some features are only in cds and some in downstream only and some in both of them are share.
You could look into upset plots (UpSetR or ggupset)
thank you