I am looking to see what the latest and greatest is in terms of an app to visualize the results of a differential expression analysis of an RNASeq dataset, including any subsequent enrichment analyses. Ideally this app would take the results of edgeR / DESeq2 and enrichment analysis in the form of topGO, GSVA, or just some form of Fisher Exact Test and allow a user to further explore the results. This would include volcano plots and heatmaps of gene expression and pathway expression, along with potential further network analyses and visualizations. In the past, I have cobbled together workflows that output pdf reports and Shiny based tools to make custom heatmaps. But I feel there must be something out there that can do something like this in a more robust framework.
My current front runner for such a tool is GeneTonic (https://github.com/federicomarini/GeneTonic) which is so far very promising, hitting most of my criteria. I just want to see what else is out there, what do people recommend.
I am not interested in an "all in one" RNASeq solution like SEQUIN that starts with raw data and helps you get to the final analysis. I want something to purely visualize the analysis I already did.
Thanks for your attention and recommendations!