There are different approaches that you may choose to deal with batch correction. Harmony is one of those approaches that has been shown to be effective in batch effect removal. In practice, merge the raw Seurat objects for all samples, then perform subsequent normalization, variable feature selection, and PC calculation on the merged object. Here is an example code snippet using the harmony package to demonstrate this process.
# Merge raw objects
merged_obj <- merge(x = obj1,
y = c(obj2, obj3, ...), = TRUE)
# Data processing
merged_obj <- merged_obj %>%
NormalizeData() %>%
FindVariableFeatures(selection.method = "vst", nfeatures = 2000, assay = "SCT") %>%
ScaleData() %>%
SCTransform( = c("mitoRatio")) # Add any other variables you want to regress out for their effect
# Perform PCA
merged_obj <- RunPCA(merged_obj, assay = "SCT", npcs = 50)
# Run Harmony for batch correction
harmonized_obj <- RunHarmony(merged_obj, = c("instrument_type", ...), # Replace with actual column names in your metadata
reduction = "pca", assay.use = "SCT", = "harmony")
# Generate UMAP using the harmony-generated embedding
harmonized_obj <- RunUMAP(harmonized_obj, reduction = "harmony", assay = "SCT", dims = 1:40) # Adjust the number of dimensions if needed
# Perform clustering using the harmonized object
harmonized_obj <- FindNeighbors(object = harmonized_obj, reduction = "harmony")
harmonized_obj <- FindClusters(harmonized_obj, resolution = c(0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2)) # Modify resolution values if necessary