In other words, are NCBI37 and hg19 synonymous? I can't find much information for what NCBI37 is in a human (not mouse) genome.
Relevant line from VCF: "##reference=NCBI37"
In other words, are NCBI37 and hg19 synonymous? I can't find much information for what NCBI37 is in a human (not mouse) genome.
Relevant line from VCF: "##reference=NCBI37"
If you go to the GRCh37 page at NCBI you will see that hg19
is a synonym (mostly used by UCSC as I recall):
Genome Reference Consortium Human Build 37 (GRCh37)
Organism name:
Homo sapiens (human)
Genome Reference Consortium
Mitochondrial genome has some differences according to the past thread: what is the difference between GRCh37 and hg19 ?
NCBI did not use GRCm37 designation for mouse genome build. As you can see from the table below that can be found here:
NCBI37 should be human genome.
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Note: I've also asked this here
Don't cross-post, especially on weekends. It looks like you're in a hurry and you don't care about annoying multiple communities.