Hello everyone, I have genotype file and gene expression file. I want to see whether three of my rsid in genotype file is associated with gene expression. I used matrixeqtl R package to generate p value and see whether the selected snp is associated with the gene expression. I used this code:
me = Matrix_eQTL_engine(
snps = snps,
gene = gene,
cvrt = cvrt,
output_file_name = output_file_name,
pvOutputThreshold = pvOutputThreshold,
useModel = useModel,
errorCovariance = errorCovariance,
verbose = TRUE,
pvalue.hist = TRUE,
min.pv.by.genesnp = FALSE,
noFDRsaveMemory = FALSE)
Processing covariates
Task finished in 0.004 seconds
Processing gene expression data (imputation, residualization)
Task finished in 0.004 seconds
Creating output file(s)
Task finished in 0.022 seconds
Performing eQTL analysis
100.00% done, 0 eQTLs
No significant associations were found.
I looked at the snps and they have effect for this gene in gtex models but during matrixeqtl analysis it doesn't show any association.
I don't want to focus on eqtl but rather just generate pvalue and associated z score for the snp-gene pair. Is there any software or tool to do that?
Thank you so much for this. Yes, in this case I get all the SNPs. I also have one more question:
In this results: a lower p value less than 0.05 means the snp-gene pair is significant. What does the rest of the score implies? like t-stat,FDR value? Thank you.
Beta is the effect size (for rs12160750: going from 0 alleles to 1 allele raises the expression by 0.19108 on average). t-stat is the "z-statistic" you were looking for in your OP, but it really is a t-stat rather than a z-stat, though for high degrees of freedom the distributions are indistinguishable. FDR is the multiple-testing adjusted p-value using the false discovery rate method -- and this is the column you should use to determine significance, rather than p-value.
Okay, I got it. Thank you so much for the response. Can you tell me what should be the range of FDR value to consider for significance?
I think researchers would agree that FDR > 0.05 is not significant, though some would argue FDR between 0.05 and 0.1 is OK for an initial finding.
An informal survey I performed of bioinformatics post-docs had about 40% saying FDR < 0.05 is significant, 40% saying FDR < 0.01 is significant, and 20% were convinced by a then-recent article arguing for FDR < 0.005. All of these positions are defensible.
Thank you so much for the information.