I have a csv files and columns are separated by ;
and decimal part of numbers are separated by ,
. I open the file using this command:
counts_data <- read.csv('normalized.csv', sep=';', check.names = FALSE , stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
and here is how it looks:
4780008_S1_R1_001 4780008_S6_R1_001 4780009_S2_R1_001 4780009_S7_R1_001 4780020_S12_R1_001 4780020_S17_R1_001 4780021_S13_R1_001 4780021_S18_R1_001
HOPX 25,11928758 17,76365784 19,69619514 11,96904427 35,09723338 28,27082618 10,90948573 20,44938677
THAP6 12,05145011 6,92481577 10,74337917 5,459564054 7,019446675 11,0943282 10,38998641 8,89366821
MTRF1 15,82660316 20,17228942 13,87686476 8,399329314 22,66278498 17,90861101 11,77531793 13,2497506
CXCR3 19,7469544 11,74207891 17,45799115 20,78834005 17,84945012 20,27389925 19,22147486 22,50642568
MRPL39 14,6650176 13,24747365 10,29573837 13,85889337 12,03333716 13,57224922 14,54598097 9,74068423
GCNT4 17,56898148 17,4625789 12,08630156 10,49916164 10,83000344 18,47177487 13,85331521 14,52027463
4780024_S3_R1_001 4780024_S8_R1_001 4780033_S14_R1_001 4780033_S19_R1_001 4780034_S20_R1_001 4780037_S15_R1_001 4780045_S16_R1_001 4780045_S21_R1_001
HOPX 14,849565 12,38366402 11,74245904 5,285433701 9,164738495 20,00683332 42,91645904 27,96661055
THAP6 12,4736346 5,8221704 10,70198798 5,162516638 6,612532838 8,594484736 10,11963664 6,279927518
MTRF1 15,4435476 7,947724673 19,32303386 11,06253565 13,45708437 10,98966901 20,88325017 11,30386953
CXCR3 18,4134606 12,19883322 26,30905379 17,70005705 25,40604722 18,31611501 25,85107179 28,80393422
MRPL39 15,4435476 9,241540317 14,41795603 11,92295509 11,6009348 10,42609624 14,94946322 9,043095626
GCNT4 12,4736346 3,696616127 27,79544101 9,341696774 16,70534612 9,158057506 16,60540377 6,782321719
When I do follow up analysis on the data from this file, I keep getting this error:
Error in DESeqDataSet(se, design = design, ignoreRank) :
counts matrix should be numeric, currently it has mode: character
I think the reason is that I have commas in the file. if so, do you know how fix the issue? if not , do you know what the problem is?
Since the input file is named
and the values look like floats most likely the counts have been already normalized somehow.