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20 months ago
I'm calculating proportions of cpgs methylated per chromosome but i get the error and not sure how to resolve it
> cpgr %>% group_by(seqnames) %>% summarise(cnts = n(), prop = cnts/seqlengths(cpgr))
Error in eval_tidy(quo, data = overscope) : object 'cnts' not found
this is the full code
#get specific cpgs
chrs <- names(Hsapiens)[1:24] #get only
length_chrs <- seqlengths(Hsapiens)[1:24] #get lenghts of chroms of intrest
cgs <- lapply(chrs, function(x) start(matchPattern("CG", Hsapiens[[x]]))) #cpgs loci per chrm
cpgr <- do.call(c, lapply(1:24, function(x) GRanges(names(Hsapiens)[x], IRanges(cgs[[x]], width = 2)))) %>% as_granges()
seqlengths(cpgr) <- length_chrs #set chrom lengths from information from hg19
#calculate the proportions of cpgs per chrom
cpgr %>% group_by(seqnames) %>% summarise(cnts = n(), prop = cnts/seqlengths(cpgr)) #this fails
cpgr %>% group_by(seqnames) %>% summarise(cnts = n()) %>% mutate(chrom_lengths_ref = as.vector(unlist(length_chrs))) %>% summarise(prop = cnts/seqlengths(cpgr)) #this also fails