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21 months ago
Hello everyone,
I am trying to run GISTIC from ASCAT segments, however,i am running into the following error.
1935 segment overlaps detected
I read somewhere that running bedtools merge would solve the problem, however I am not sure.
Is anyone doing the same ? or adopting any other methodology?
Thanks in advance!!
Can you show me the first 30 lines from the segmentation file you're passing as input to GISTIC please?
Hi Ram, there you go
Sorry, this is how much I could paste, there is an error in the website while pasting more lines
You can use pastebin or GitHub gist to paste more lines, maybe you're being restricted because you're a new user. Did GISTIC give you something like line numbers when it reported the overlap? Take a look at this thread: GISTIC segment overlap error
If you got a line number as shown in the message in the other post, please extract those lines and show them to us.
Hi, Ram thanks for the help...I figured out the issue. somehow I had duplicate files in the folder which caused the issue.
Also, I would like to add that we cannot use ASCAT output for GISTIC input...since GISTIC expects all the chromosomes in the input file even if the chromosomes has normal ploidy.