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17 months ago
Hi I am writing my first code is dsl2 Nextflow using Singularity container as below main.nf
process pbc_varicall {
publishDir "/data/shared/clinical/LongRead/Data/resources/"
container 'docker://google/deepvariant:1.5.0'
path bam
file "*"
path 'out_m84011_220902_175841_Chr20.vcf.gz'
run_deepvariant --model_type PACBIO --ref ${params.ref_genome} --reads ${bam} --output_vcf ${params.data_input}out_m84011_220902_175841_Chr20.vcf.gz --num_shards 20 --regions chr20
workflow {
when i execute the above command with Absolute PATH for BAM file in Script section it works file, but if i pass as $bam from Input and Abs path from Workflow bam channel it gives following error
`ValueError: FAILED_PRECONDITION: Cannot query without an index
[E::idx_find_and_load] Could not retrieve index file for 'm84011_220902_175841_Aln.bam'
I have BAI FAI
index files for Ref and BAM, i had same issue while passing $Ref thats fixed by passing ${params.ref_genome}
instead of $ref
from input channel
I already have Index file for BAM, how to pass bai to Script command as it takes only BAM
Just make a second channel with the index and provide it to the process. Many ways of doing that, e.g. via a tuple to permanently have bam and bai in the same object/variable, but this here is the simplest:
Then it gets staged and is available to the process.
I tried with above but it doesnt work unless it is paired and passed to workflow as below then it works perfectly
Channel.fromFilePairs('/data/shared/clinical/LongRead/Data/*_{Aln2.bam,Aln2.bam.bai}') .map { it[1] } .set { ch_bam_bai }
from.path only takes BAM then script gives index error,, So it need to be paired if one wants to pass in Workflow,, if direct BAM path is given in
it works, not throught workflow channel