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20 months ago
I'm getting an error like this
A USER ERROR has occurred: Cannot read file://file.vcf because no suitable codecs found
while running gatk funcotator. Can anyone guide me how do I solve the error?
Used command:
java -jar gatk Funcotator -V file.vcf --ref-version hg19 -R ref_all.fasta --data-sources-path funcotator_dataSources.v1.6.20190124s --output-file-format VCF -O out.vcf.gz
what is the output of
.. .. and list goes on
it cannot be the output of the 'file' command.
try to use a compressed + indexed vcf.gz input instead of a plain vcf
getting an error like this: index: "file.vcf.gz" is in a format that cannot be usefully indexed
how do I resolve?
vcf file must be compressed with a bgzip compressor, not just gzip
whats z denotes in code?
Failed to read from file.vcf: unknown file type
this is not a vcf file. it has never been a vcf file. see gatk Funcotator
what do I've to do? can you give me suggestion. Thanks!